Pop-Up Zapper is a shareware application from none other than the famed Ricardo Batista, author of the freeware "Extensions Manager" that eventually found its way into the official Mac OS releases. Pop-Up Zapper helps you by "zapping" away annoying pop-up windows as you surf the web with Internet Explorer (sorry, Netscape users). Pop-Up Zapper is available in two versions: Pop-Up Zapper for Mac OS X and Pop-Up Zapper Lite for Mac OS 8.5 - 9.
Pop-Up Zapper watches the work of your web browser. When the program identifies a pop-up window, it closes it - just as you would - except quite a bit faster. Using Pop-Up Zapper for OS X, most of the time you will see a window flash open and then close on your screen. It moves quickly, however, so may not notice it at all. You can look at Pop-Up Zapper's counter on its Dock icon to see that it is working. With Pop-Up Zapper Lite for OS 8.5 - 9, the process is completely transparent. You will never even see the pop-up window.
You can run Pop-Up Zapper in evaluation mode for 5 days only, at which point it requires a license to continue working. For registered users, Pop-Up Zapper can also update its own data automatically and can notify you when the application has been updated with new features.
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