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Freeware and Shareware; $8

Current Version: 2.6.1 (March 28, 2007)

One trend in weather-reporting applications for Mac OS X has been in the appearance of programs that display their information in the menubar or in the dock, rather than in dedicated windows. WeatherPop was the first of such applications, and displays National Weather Service forecasts for the United States, and and forecasts for US and International users. WeatherPop is available in two versions: a free ("WeatherPop") version that only supports cities in the United States, covered by the National Weather Service, and a shareware version ("WeatherPop Advance") that supports forecasts for US and International users through AOL and The Weather Underground.

WeatherPop Advance is $8, and includes a free 14-day trial period so you can decide if you like it before you buy.

While no information is available regarding what's new in version 2.6.1, version 2.5.1 - the prior release - added/changed the following:

  • Fix for Unicode user names
  • Fixes for source (WeatherPop Free should work better now)
  • Day & Night detection improved for location
  • Radar no longer downloads pointlessly in Free WeatherPop
  • Default location (Santa Clara, CA) now works correctly

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Also Consider . . .

These are applications that are newer and of potential interest, but which I haven't yet selected for permanent inclusion. Have a look, and let me know if you think they deserve to be part of the permanent collection!