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Network Applications

Net Monitor

Home Page Release Notes Screen Shots License:
Shareware; $10

Current Version: 3.9.5 (December 24, 2005) / 4.5.2 (February 8, 2010)

Net Monitor is an inexpensive shareware application written for Mac OS X (10.1 or later) that graphs network interface throughput in a floating window, the Dock or the Menu Bar. Very simple! As of version 2, the software incorporated the functionality of the previously-separate PPP Monitor application by the same author.

Version 4.5.2 - available for Mac OS X 10.4 and later only - makes the following changes from the previous release (3.9.5 is still available for older Macs):

  • PPP - The system's user/password dialog box is no longer displayed when connection is initiated by the program, unless this option is selected in the preferences.

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Also See . . .

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Also, if you have an older Mac, be sure to check out the "Classic" applications page for more options.

Finally, take a look at ALEMIA if you think you know that name of an application, but aren't quite sure.

Related Links

For an interesting and objective third-party view of Apple's networking technology - from MacTCP through Open Transport and beywond - Peter Sichel's Sustainable Softworks page is unparalleled.

Also Consider . . .

These are applications that are newer and of potential interest, but which I haven't yet selected for permanent inclusion. Have a look, and let me know if you think they deserve to be part of the permanent collection!