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Connectivity Applications


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Current Version: 1.0.0b3 (April 7, 2002)

PiePants is a PPTP client for Mac OS X. It supports encrypted communications for secure connections to your PPTP VPN. PiePants only supports a single PPTP connection at a time. Version 1.0.0b3 addresses the following:

  • Fixed a problem with a case-sensitive comparison of authentication data.

The author notes: "I haven't yet decided exactly how I'm going to license PiePants, but most likely it will be as pay-if-you-like shareware for a small fee (say, $25). On the other hand, it appears from the Darwin CVS tree that there may be a PPTP client in the OS before too long, which would probably make PiePants obsolete. So who knows -- maybe I'll make it free, or open source it. I'd appreciate feedback from folks on whether or not they'd pay for it. For now, there are no limitations in the beta -- please use it and give me feedback, but please understand that this is sort of a side project for me and I may have some trouble providing quick support if you run into a problem."

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Finally, take a look at ALEMIA if you think you know that name of an application, but aren't quite sure.

Related Links

For an interesting and objective third-party view of Apple's networking technology - from MacTCP through Open Transport and beywond - Peter Sichel's Sustainable Softworks page is unparalleled.

Also Consider . . .

These are applications that are newer and of potential interest, but which I haven't yet selected for permanent inclusion. Have a look, and let me know if you think they deserve to be part of the permanent collection!