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ICMP Logger

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Current Version: 1.0.1

From the author of ShadowBot, ICMP Logger records any incoming ICMP packets, detailing the IP the ICMP came from, its size, and the time it arrived and saves it into a log file. It can also play a sound when it detects a ping. If you're a network server administrator, IRCop, or anyone else who thinks they might be pingflooded, ICMP Logger will give you all the information you need to track down those behind denial of service attacks. The program requires OpenTransport and a live Internet connection.

User Reviews

"Works great for what it does, with one annoying quirk: it sometimes won't quit when it's told to, espectially on shutdown of the computer. MacsBug and e[scape]s[hell] is an essential addon :-)"
—Stefan Jeglinski

"Small footprint, quiet co-existence with EIMS, QuickDNS; only concern at this point which led me to look for later version, was freezing computer on quitting this utility. Under 8.6 a few programs have had quitting problems [which] may or may not be associated with OneClick."
—Edward G. Burton


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Of Note . . .

No, I don't accept reviews anymore for these older applications. With the creation of this page in the Orchard's late 2005 redesign, I only accept reviews for currently-developed applications that work on Mac OS X (or later....whatever that might be!!).